Friday, 31 March 2017

March - 4 month update - There's a light at the end of the tunnel..

No longer do I fear becoming a drug addict.  I've slowly started to cut down on the pain killers.  It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago that just wasn't possible.  I'm having less in the daytime and then a normal amount in the evening as that's when the pain is at it's worst.

I am not constantly in pain.  Sitting down is getting easier.  I can be a little quicker about it and need less cushions.  I'm much better at getting in the car too.  Sitting on the floor at baby activities is less uncomfortable.  I'm still sitting on my side but I'm sure I'll be able to sit cross-legged eventually.  At least I can sit on the floor - all baby activities seem to involve it!

I saw the consultant again who examined me.  He can't yet confirm if I will need more surgery.  He did say the wound wasn't healing quite right and that my pelvic floor was very weak.  He applied what I think was called zinc oxide to the area which stung like anything!  Thankfully, as he'd promised, after a few hours it stopped stinging.  It was worth the pain as I've definitely felt better since then.

I've got to go for a scan to check how I'm healing internally and I've got to have some physiotherapy to improve my pelvic floor.  Apparently getting these appointments will take some time so he won't see my again now until August.  That feels like a long way away.  I hope I'm better by then!

Flynn and I started a new class this week - Tiny Talk - which is baby signing with BSL.  It's one of the classes I've wanted to do all along.  Our first session went well and I think we're both going to learn a lot.  It felt very different to my first Baby Sensory session when I was an emotional mess.  I'm definitely more together although I remain slightly intimidated by Mums with older babies as I must look like such a novice still!  I doubt that feeling ever goes away.