I bet after the August update you didn't think there would be another but there is. My journey didn't quite end in August, it actually finished in September. I was still under the physio until the end of the month with one final appointment left. It was the quickest appointment I've had related to my tear. I was happy. She was happy. I answered the "any (toilet) problems" question AGAIN. I'm pretty sure if I did have any of those problems I wouldn't wait until I was asked about them. Anyway, she discharged me so now I am finally done with everything.
In the nicest way, I hope I never see any of those consultants, doctors, nurses, midwives or physios again. Of course, if I have another baby I will be referred back to my consultant as they'll want to keep an eye on me and make sure I have a C-section. Whether I'll have another I don't know. It's nice to know that I won't go through a third degree tear again but a C-section is still major surgery so I still expect to have 6 weeks recovery time. It wouldn't be easy although recovery time would be much shorter than this time round. There's a lot to consider. In any case, for now, I'm happy to concentrate on being a fully healed "normal" Mum for now.
We had our first proper family holiday this month. Myself, Mr T and Flynn. We had a lovely week up in Derbyshire with proper family time and lots of fun and firsts for Flynn. I wore skinny jeans several days in a row and barely noticed. How things have changed.